Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Country Apartment Becomes A Cozy Home - in One Year!

Yeppers - that's it!  That's my goal for 2012!  Last year was so stressful - with my home being torn up on several occasions - as in moving in TONS of furniture, boxes, yada, yada, yada - then the "Miracle on Main St." (but that's a story for another day - a happy one!) - and in December having new central heat & air conditioning, windows, and a new hot water heater put in (WOOHOO!!!).  Sooooo . . . now it's time for a . . . TA-DA!!  -


(I am sooooo up for this!)

And I invite you to come along for the ride!  (I just love taking you guys with me - that's just how I roll!)

So here's the plan - each week I will be posting on the progress here.  Making it into the home of my dreams.  AND . . . . . I would totally LOVE to hear about your DREAMS for this year!  What are you working on?  How's it going?  We can all grow together in becoming the people God meant us to be! 

And why am I doing this you might ask?  Because my goal is to (by winter time) have my home - and my life - ready to be the place of hospitality I always dreamed of.  A cozy, inviting place where I can entertain friends, have prayer meetings, Bible studies, invite people over for games, coffee & homemade cookies - in other words, a place of peace and refuge from a sometimes crazy, mixed up world. 

So whaddya say?? Come on and join in the fun - the ride might get a bit bumpy, and have some unexpected twists, turns, and oh-oh's - but I can promise you it will never be boring!

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