Friday, December 30, 2011

The "15/4 Rule" - Huh???

OK - so this was a new one to me, too -
until just recently - and it's so cool -
it will make your life a whole lot more simple!
(Simple is good - we like that!)

And I'm gonna share it with ya just because you're such special people to me -

So here it is - something that Fortune 500 companies utilize -

"15 minutes of planning will save you 4 hours of work later."
(Now how easy-peasy is that!)

Hello, New Followers - You Have Been Noticed!

And so appreciated - by me!

So glad you joined us here-
I hope you are richly blessed!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Country Apartment Becomes A Cozy Home - in One Year!

Yeppers - that's it!  That's my goal for 2012!  Last year was so stressful - with my home being torn up on several occasions - as in moving in TONS of furniture, boxes, yada, yada, yada - then the "Miracle on Main St." (but that's a story for another day - a happy one!) - and in December having new central heat & air conditioning, windows, and a new hot water heater put in (WOOHOO!!!).  Sooooo . . . now it's time for a . . . TA-DA!!  -


(I am sooooo up for this!)

And I invite you to come along for the ride!  (I just love taking you guys with me - that's just how I roll!)

So here's the plan - each week I will be posting on the progress here.  Making it into the home of my dreams.  AND . . . . . I would totally LOVE to hear about your DREAMS for this year!  What are you working on?  How's it going?  We can all grow together in becoming the people God meant us to be! 

And why am I doing this you might ask?  Because my goal is to (by winter time) have my home - and my life - ready to be the place of hospitality I always dreamed of.  A cozy, inviting place where I can entertain friends, have prayer meetings, Bible studies, invite people over for games, coffee & homemade cookies - in other words, a place of peace and refuge from a sometimes crazy, mixed up world. 

So whaddya say?? Come on and join in the fun - the ride might get a bit bumpy, and have some unexpected twists, turns, and oh-oh's - but I can promise you it will never be boring!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Meowy Christmas, Everyone!

Peanut's Christmas Greeting to all of you - Meowy Christmas!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mystery Passenger???

OK. So bear in mind that I live in the country . . . and there are all kinds of critters and varmints out here.  And that's just exactly where I like 'em to stay - OUT here.  Not IN here . . . as in my car!!!  So as I'm toodlin' down the highway on my way to an appointment this afternoon . . . . . I suddenly hear a soft "bump" sound coming from a bag on the car's floor beside me.  Huh?!?!?!  Then I hear "rustle, rustle, rustle" . . . . and I'm thinkin' it is SOOOOO not cool to freak out at 65 MPH!!!  I'm thinkin' snake???  Mouse??? Or - heaven forbid - RAT???  Actually mostly what I was thinkin' was "for heaven's sake DON'T RUN OFF THE ROAD!!!"  And also "Please, whatever-you-are, don't bite me!!"  It was an interesting trip to say the least!  When I got to my destination - I veeeerrrrryyy carefully went through the umbrella and 3 bags that were sitting on the floor there . . . and little "Mystery Passenger" was nooooowhere to be found!  Good?  Maybe NOT so good!! 

One appointment and several miles drive back home . . . and the little "Mystery Passenger" has still not been found . . . although I did hear loud rustling by my car door on the way home!!

Oh, the unexpected "joys" of country livin'!!  (she says sarcastically!)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Cozy Home

There is nothing in this world that says
 "Home Sweet Home"
like fresh, home-baked cookies!!!

Goodbye to a Dear Friend ~

Sooooooo . . . . .
It's the end of an era.  For 86 years the farm was in our family.  In Kansas.  My grandpa purchased it in 1926.  It was the one consistent home in our family.  No matter where we all moved - we could always come back to the farm . . . . . to our roots.  And be welcomed with open arms! 

I spent much of last year there - working, cleaning, sorting, getting all my tons of stuff out of storage from there.  Fortunately, my cousin Doug was a tremendous help in this endeavor!  To say it was a HUGE undertaking would be the understatement of the century!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But  . . . . . . . it is done.  And it went well, praise the Lord!  And nobody got hurt, or too overly dirty, or . . . well, you know . . . all the things that can happen in an old farmhouse!  And yes, I cried. 

But then . . . . .
the new owners moved in.  In such a lovely way they have - and now the old place is coming back to life!  Glorious life!  The old dead trees, shrubs, weeds, etc. are gone - as are the falling-down out buildings & barn, and dilapidated metal garage .  As I drive past it down the highway now I see a charming scene of the precious old farmhouse, with lush fields and just a few pretty trees around it . . . . . and golden wheat fields all around.  Life is good.  Just as it should be!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Saturday, October 8, 2011

"Country Dreams" is now on Facebook, too!

Hi everyone!  Just wanted to let you know that I've put this blog on Facebook, too!  You will still be able to read it here on Blogger - OR on Facebook!  Here is the link -

"Country Dreams"

Hope to see you there, too!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Never Drop Your Gum . . .

in the middle of song service at church.  Never.  Ever.  I cannot stress this enough.  I speak from embarrassing experience here.  ESPECIALLY . . . . . if YOU are the song leader!!!!!!!  OK - so I was helping lead the song service at our local nursing home's church service this week - when I leaned over to help a dear little old lady in a wheelchair find the page - just as we were beginning "My Faith Looks Up To Thee"!  Right about then, my faith was only looking DOWN at the gum!  It just popped out and landed right on her lapghan - she just smiled and said "Whoops!"  With NO Kleenex or gum wrapper anywhere near - all I could do was hold it in my little hot hand!!!!!  Things went downhill something like this from then on -

"My faith looks up to Thee -  oh Lord help me out here!!"

  "Saviour divine - " as I'm now holding the songbook with two fingers (try it - I guarantee it will flip and flop!)

"Now hear me while I pray"  (PLEASE DO LORD!!!)

"Take all my guilt GUM away . . . . . "

"Oh let me from this day" - be wholly not-sticky-fingered - because I have to PLAY PIANO next!!

(Honestly . . . . .  God must have a real good sense of humor when He sees the way we REALLY do church!!!  LOL!!)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Peanut's To-Do List:

Nappy Time
Sit outside Mommy's bedroom door and cry pitifully.
Get Mommy to chase my ball for me!!
Nappy Time
Chase the ball myself - make LOTS of noise!!
Jump on the back of Mommy's chair and scare the soup out of her!!
Nappy Time
Nappy Time
Dinner Time!!!
Stare out the window and watch the world go by.
ZZZzzz - goodnight world!!!

Ever have one of those times where you're slightly out-of-focus -
 and you just can't seem
 to pull it all together???
Where the old saying
"The hurried-er I go, the behind-er I get"
seems to be the gospel truth???

You have???

Then I'm in good company this week!!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

 To all my new followers!! 
 So glad you came over to join in the fun!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

It's . . . Almost . . . My . . .

Yaaawwwnnn   . . . . . nod . . . . .

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

In God We Still Trust - Diamond Rio

Wishing all of you a very happy and safe 4th of July!!
May God bless America!
And a heartfelt "thank you" to those of you who have served, or are currently serving in the US military!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

You Know It's Gonna Be "One Of Those Days" -

when you're just mindin' your own business -
 you stroll past the open refrigerator -
 and a LOAF OF BREAD falls out and
ya good!!

I CRIED!!!!!!!
But Mommy was right there and gave me some extra lovin' -
I think I'll keep her!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Quick and Easy Springtime Recipe!

Folks, my Mom made these for years - and they are sooooo YUMMY!!  It's basically an easy hot chicken sandwich - perfect for a light lunch, or for lunchboxes!

Jean's Chicken Crescents

2 Cups cubed chicken (or 2 - 5 oz. cans of chicken) 
3 oz. cream cheese, softened
2 Tbsp. milk
1 Tbsp. onion
1 can crescent rolls

Mix the chicken, cream cheese, onion, and milk together. Open the can of crescent rolls, and - keeping two rolls together - form 4 "squares" of 2 rolls each. Place 1/4 of the chicken mixture in the center of each square. Fold the corners of the squares up and pinch together on the top. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 - 25 minutes.

Makes 4 servings.

(Author unknown - if you know who created this recipe - please let me know so I can give them credit!  :-)

Monday, April 25, 2011


OK . . . . . . .
Whose idea was it to stick me in the
 while Mommy cleans out her closet?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sometimes life is a lot more fun . . . . . . .
UPSIDE DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Naughty . . . . .

Today . . . . . I was naughty.  But not toooooo naughty.
I tried to knock three of these  . . . . . in all their yumminess . . . . .

off of Mommy's table, and onto the floor!

Mommy got mad . . . . . but not tooooo mad.  She yelled "No, no Peaunt!!"  I don't like that "no-no" word.  She yelled "Get down!!"  I don't like that one either.  But when she started walking over to the table  . . . . .

I was soooooo outta here!!  Then she said "Good boy!!"  That one I like!!  And Mommy patted me . . . . . and we had fun . . . . . that is until I spilled Coca-Cola on her nice clean shirt . . . . . you see, I really couldn't help it.  The cupcakes were just sooooo pretty and smelled sooooo yummy, and the styrofoam cup Mommy's Coca Cola was in is just right for rolling, and . . . . . well . . . . . it was just too irresistable!!!!!!!

(Mommy here - so what else could I do but hug him??!! He's kinda irresistable, too!!  :- )

Who's In Here??

Hmmmmmmm . . . . . . . .
Mommy tells me my little friend has come to visit.
I don't see anybody furry like me . . . . . wait . . .
the door is open . . . . . and there's something funny-looking on top of this thing.
Is it a clue???????

(Mommy here - my dear friend brought her little Schipperke puppy to meet Peanut!
So now Peanut has a new furry little friend!)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Nothing Beats . . . . .

a GREAT cuppa coffee!!
Especially . . . . . when it is served with this . . . . .

or one of these . . . . .

and MOST ESPECIALLY . . . . . .
 when it is shared with a dear friend!!!!!
So . . . . . how do you take yours?????

OK, Mommy . . . . .
I've inspected all these grocery bags . . . . .
SOMEONE seems to have FORGOTTEN the kitty treats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Where Love Abides . . . . .

"Every house where love abides

And friendship is a guest,

Is surely home, and home, sweet home

For there the heart can rest."

-Henry Van Dyke

Ummmmm . . . . .

Whatever it was, I didn't do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Caught In The Act!!! :- O

Maybe if I close my eyes . . . . .
Mommy won't see me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Think again, little buddy!!!!!!!)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Agenda for Today -

Agenda for Today:  Stare at invisible bugs . . . . . very important work, you know . . . . . if you don't stare at them enough they tend to disappear!!!  Sigh . . . . . it's a tough job, but SOMEBODY'S got to do it!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Attention, Mommy -

I. Am. The. Boss.
And Mommy - I just let you THINK you are!!

An Announcement! :- )

Now that we have that settled - carry on!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Shhhhh - don't tell my Mommy - but I'm hiding where she'll never find me!!  ;- )

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Love Of A Teddy Bear -

Is unconditional . . . . soft and cuddly . . . . .

it brings joy . . . . .

because a Teddy Bear will always be . . . . .

your bestest friend!!

(Did I mention I LOVE my Teddy Bear collection???  Smile!!)

What do you love to collect?  What brightens up your life??

Let's talk!    :- )

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Sweetest Place . . . . .

In my little apartment . . . is my kitchen.  Just wanted to share it with you . . .

It's dinky . . . . . but just big enough to cook up some happy memories!

Hope your day is full of happy moments!


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