Country Dreams
Because dreams really do come true . . . . .
Monday, August 3, 2015
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Just Because I Love Ya ~
I wanted to give all my dear friends, faithful readers, and followers a bit of a "heads up" ~ because I'm going to take ~ a blogging break, dear friends. You've all been so sweet to take time out of your busy days to stop in and share what's going on in my world, and leave encouraging comments, and share the joy! So I wanted to give you a little "advance notice". Personally I am doing great - far better than I have for years, actually! Feeling great, getting more active, really getting out and enjoying life again - which I thank the Lord for every day after 12+ years of illness - hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!! It's actually difficult for me now to sit still for very long! Which is a big reason for the blogging break - at this season in my life I'd rather be out living life than sitting and writing about it - seriously. Plus I've been steadily "blogging along" for nearly 7 years now - first on YaHoo 360, then here on Blogger, and honestly . . . am a little burned out on it. On writing, that is. BUT . . . I've thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each of you - you've all been such a blessing in my life!!!
Sooooo . . . . . with that in mind . . . . .
. . . for the time being I will leave my blog right here . . . and I will still pop in and visit your blogs (which I totally LOVE reading!!!) Not sure when I will be back to blogging again . . . . . or if I will ever return to write again . . . will just have to wait and see how the Lord leads me on this because I only want to do His precious Will! So until we meet again somewhere in "blogland" - know that I LOVE YA'LL and may God richly bless each one of you and your families!!!
Sooooo . . . . . with that in mind . . . . .
. . . for the time being I will leave my blog right here . . . and I will still pop in and visit your blogs (which I totally LOVE reading!!!) Not sure when I will be back to blogging again . . . . . or if I will ever return to write again . . . will just have to wait and see how the Lord leads me on this because I only want to do His precious Will! So until we meet again somewhere in "blogland" - know that I LOVE YA'LL and may God richly bless each one of you and your families!!!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
The Anti-Inflammatory Diet ~ Or How I Got My Energy Back - WooHoo!!
Hello, dear friends! As promised - here's some more of "what's been going on in my little patch of the prairies!" I'm so excited to share this with you! Some of you have been wanting to know about the new diet I'm on which has literally been a life-saver for me! As some of you may remember, I have had severe arthritis for the past 12 years (I walk with a cane) and as those of you with long-term health issues know - those things can really drain your energy! Well, about Christmas time my chiropractor told me about the "Anti-Inflammatory Diet" - and I've been on it faithfully ever since. That - combined with drinking Kangen water (which is high in anti-oxidants and is alkaline) plus lots of prayer - has literally given me back the energy I had in my 20's and 30's. No exaggeration. I'm much more flexible again, my skin is clear, and I can do far more than I have been able to in a very long time! People in our little town here in Kansas have literally been surprised at the change in my appearance and asking me how I did it! It is so simple, and so easy to do (and no, I'm not a "representative" or anything!) I have also lost 12+ pounds (and am still losing.) So here is the list of foods and supplements on the diet - plus info on the Kangen Water. I hope it blesses some of you as much as it has blessed me!
Veggies - (fresh or frozen, not canned)
Bell Peppers
Green Beans
Green Onions
Sweet Potatoes
Turnip Greens
Fruits - (fresh or frozen, not canned)
Fresh Pineapple
Spices -
Cayenne/Chili Peppers
Nuts -
Sunflower Seeds
Oils -
Avocado Oil
Avocado Oil
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Fish/Seafood -
Chicken, Pork, and Turkey (NO Beef - except for organic, or grass fed.)
Avoid Sugar (it causes inflammation) BUT -
do use Honey, Stevia, Sucanat, Splenda, Sugar-In-The-Raw
or any other
natural, organic sweetner.
LOTS of Green Tea!
Supplements -
Curcumin, Fish Oils, Frankincense, Indigo Plant, Tumeric (Curcumin),
Cat's Claw, Ginger, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Alfalfa, Zinc.
Now here's what makes this diet sooooo super easy to follow -
all you have to do is include just ONE of these foods
with every snack or meal you eat!
And yes, you can have whole grain breads, pastries, and pasta.
And all the salads and healthy desserts or snacks
of other foods that you want, too!!!!!!!
Kangen Water
has been vital to the success of this diet, too! I have been drinking it
almost exclusively for the past 7 months - actually started losing weight when I started
drinking it (a couple months BEFORE I started on the diet). It is water that is
highly anti-oxidant, and alkaline.
Disease cannot live in an alkaline environment - which is how it super-benefits your body!
I drink 2 quarts daily - can't say enough wonderful things about
Kangen Water! It is the sweetest water I've ever tasted - and if you would like more information about it - you can "Google" it, plus here is the link to the water I'm using -
(by the way - I am NOT a distributor, nor am I being compensated to review it - just my honest true-to-life experience with it being expressed here!)
(Which basically means this - that's why I've been spending a whole lot more time out there
~ living real life ~
in the past 3 weeks - WooHoo! And a lot less time on the computer! And I'm gonna take ya'll along with me - of course - on the new adventures!)
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
"All Things Bright and Beautiful"
All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful:
The Lord God made them all.
Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colors,
He made their tiny wings.
The rich man in his castle,
The poor man at his gate,
He made them, high or lowly,
And ordered their estate.
The purple headed mountains,
The river running by,
The sunset and the morning
That brightens up the sky.
The cold wind in the winter,
The pleasant summer sun,
The ripe fruits in the garden,
He made them every one.
The tall trees in the greenwood,
The meadows where we play,
The rushes by the water,
To gather every day.
He gave us eyes to see them,
And lips that we might tell
How great is God Almighty,
Who has made all things well.
(Cecil Frances Alexander)
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Oh My - Time Sure Does Fly!
Just "buzzing" in to say I haven't forgotten you, dear friends!! Life has just gotten so busy here on my little patch of the prairies the past 3 weeks now - so many new and wonderful things are happening around my little apartment that I am just itchin' to share with you - but I've hardly had a moment to "come in for a landing"! However . . . that being said . . . I definitely WILL be back later today with a new post! So please stick around to see what's going on here in the heartland!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Organized = Peaceful (a FUN way to do it!)
Hello, dear friends! Happy Tuesday!
As promised - today I'm going to start sharing with you some of what I've been busily up to the last couple of weeks - I'm so excited!! First off - I did something very unusual for me - and that is to start Spring Cleaning in February - while it's really still Winter around here! (Miracles DO happen!) I'm usually NEVER that pulled together - LOL! The reason being that by the Grace of God He has been restoring my strength and energy - so being active has really been appealing lately!
The first thing I did was . . . well . . . quite by accident! While strolling through "Blogland" one day, I came upon this absolute blessing of a blogger - her name is Laura - and she blogs over at "I'm an Organizing Junkie". In 2011 she created "52 Weeks of Organizing". I just discovered it last month - and was so inspired that I immediately got busy doing it - this year! It is so easy - and she has so many great ideas to help us all make peace with our homes - that I thought you might enjoy seeing it, too - and maybe get inspired as well! Here is the link to her lovely blog - (through my Pinterest boards) -
To get there - simply click on the picture above - then click the larger picture (same one) that appears - and there you are!
I do hope you will check out her blog - Laura has lots of helpful ideas there!
Happy Organizing!!!!!!!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Never Alone ~
So precious - just had to share it with you!
What a comforting truth - that God is always with us!
Hugs to your SONday dear friends!
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