This has been a long, drawn out, crazy-messy,
crazy-schedule, but crazy-good thing.
That's three "crazy's" in a sentence. I think it's OK.
It's been going on for over a month now.
It has terrorized Peanut - who in turn has driven his Mommy (Ummm . . . that would be me!)
totally nutzo.
In a way only a pet-Mommy can understand.
So what has been causing this profound sense of disruption and chaos in our lives here?
A blessing, actually!!
Yes, sometimes great blessings can be a bit . . . well . . . super-messy!
The apartment complex where I live is having installed -
1. Central heat and air-conditioning - Yay!!
2. New windows - Yay!!
3. New hot water heaters - Yay!!
in every apartment!
Which means ear-splitting air hammers,
total strangers tramping in and out of my apt. every couple of hours -
- and pet-Mommy here guarding the door with an eagle eye so that
Peanut doesn't make "The Great Escape".
I will be soooo glad . . . in numerous ways . . .
when it's all over!!!