Sunday, October 2, 2011

Never Drop Your Gum . . .

in the middle of song service at church.  Never.  Ever.  I cannot stress this enough.  I speak from embarrassing experience here.  ESPECIALLY . . . . . if YOU are the song leader!!!!!!!  OK - so I was helping lead the song service at our local nursing home's church service this week - when I leaned over to help a dear little old lady in a wheelchair find the page - just as we were beginning "My Faith Looks Up To Thee"!  Right about then, my faith was only looking DOWN at the gum!  It just popped out and landed right on her lapghan - she just smiled and said "Whoops!"  With NO Kleenex or gum wrapper anywhere near - all I could do was hold it in my little hot hand!!!!!  Things went downhill something like this from then on -

"My faith looks up to Thee -  oh Lord help me out here!!"

  "Saviour divine - " as I'm now holding the songbook with two fingers (try it - I guarantee it will flip and flop!)

"Now hear me while I pray"  (PLEASE DO LORD!!!)

"Take all my guilt GUM away . . . . . "

"Oh let me from this day" - be wholly not-sticky-fingered - because I have to PLAY PIANO next!!

(Honestly . . . . .  God must have a real good sense of humor when He sees the way we REALLY do church!!!  LOL!!)


  1. Sweet Pauline I laughed so hard reading this. Sorry I know it was embarrassing to you at the time but the way you related the story here is just hilarious! The "Whoops" is what got me. Do you need some gum? :) Hugs



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